AC on mathaction
Ralf Hemmecke
2008-06-12 20:24:22 UTC
Dear Thomas,

See the examples on Mathaction:


If you want to experiment, just open up a new page, for example,


copy the interesting parts from one of the pages above (click on the
"edit" link in the top right corner), and adapt to whatever you want.

Specific questions are always welcome.


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Thomas Feulner
2008-06-16 07:23:38 UTC
Dear Ralf,
Post by Ralf Hemmecke
If you want to experiment, just open up a new page, for example,
I created this page as you proposed and followed your examples above.
Now, I tried to build some other species. In some cases I succeeded in others
I failed. May you take a look at
and tell me how to proceed.


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Martin Rubey
2008-06-16 11:54:52 UTC
Post by Thomas Feulner
Dear Ralf,
Post by Ralf Hemmecke
If you want to experiment, just open up a new page, for example,
I created this page as you proposed and followed your examples above.
Now, I tried to build some other species. In some cases I succeeded in others
I failed. May you take a look at
and tell me how to proceed.
Well, I think LinearOrder you could easily define yourself as

LinearOrder := Interpret([parse "Plus(EmptySetSpecies,Times(SingletonSpecies,Self))"], ACInteger);

This should also create the isomorphismtypes, which, however, do not work on
MathAction since the Aldor Interface is broken :-(

Cycle cannot be defined using Times, Plus, Compose, so I guess I'll have to
implement it. I'll let you know.

Given Cycle, you can then define Permutation as

Perm := Interpret([parse "Compose(SetSpecies,Cycle)"], ACInteger);

(you should not use "Permutation" as name, because that conflicts with a name
in axiom...)


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Martin Rubey
2008-06-16 12:32:15 UTC
I have copy pasted the necessary definitions onto


Unfortunately, it seems that the definition of structures$Cycle is not

structures[1,2,3]$Cycle gives [1,2,3],[1,2,2]

Ralf, could you check whether it's correct when you compile trunk?

How are things with FriCAS - aldor?


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Thomas Feulner
2008-06-23 11:31:35 UTC
Dear Martin,

thank you for giving me the definition of cycles and linear order, this
enabled me to do some more tests.
I tried to generate the isomorphism type series of permutation and an error
occured. May you take a look on

[structures(labels3)LatexWiki ImageACLIST(Graph(Z))
leads to an error.


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Ralf Hemmecke
2008-06-23 13:08:21 UTC
Dear Thomas,

the error

Error: Can't pretty-print.
Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Error signalled by RETURN.
Broken at APPLY. Type :H for Help.

Also appeared in my example at


And I don't know why that happens. I somehow guess, it is a problem with
the translation from TextWriter to OutputForm.

That is very unfortunate.

Post by Thomas Feulner
Dear Martin,
thank you for giving me the definition of cycles and linear order, this
enabled me to do some more tests.
I tried to generate the isomorphism type series of permutation and an error
occured. May you take a look on
[structures(labels3)LatexWiki ImageACLIST(Graph(Z))
leads to an error.
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just about anything Open Source.
Ralf Hemmecke
2008-06-23 16:06:06 UTC
Hi Thomas,

what about just using Aldor?

Put the following file into the combinat directory, just where you
called "make". I assume that you use trunk and not iso-experiments.
However, of course, you can do similar things with Martin's branch, too.



and execute with


As for interpretation of the output of graphs...

Graphs: 8 [1,2,3]
1s Subset([], [([1,2], [3]),([1,3], [2]),([2,3], [1])])
2s Subset([([1,2], [3])], [([1,3], [2]),([2,3], [1])])
3s Subset([([1,3], [2])], [([1,2], [3]),([2,3], [1])])
4s Subset([([1,2], [3]),([1,3], [2])], [([2,3], [1])])
5s Subset([([2,3], [1])], [([1,2], [3]),([1,3], [2])])
6s Subset([([1,2], [3]),([2,3], [1])], [([1,3], [2])])
7s Subset([([1,3], [2]),([2,3], [1])], [([1,2], [3])])
8s Subset([([1,2], [3]),([1,3], [2]),([2,3], [1])], [])

There are 8 graphs with labels 1, 2, 3.
Line 6s corresponds to the (labelled) graph having edges (1,2) and (2,3).

The output needs improvement, I know.

Hopefully, this helps you to go on.


---BEGIN cs.as.nw
%--- Combinat
%--- Copyright (C) Ralf Hemmecke (ralf-***@public.gmane.org)
%--- http://www.hemmecke.de/aldor

\section{The Main Executable}

This is the executable file that lives outside the library

---- Combinat
---- Copyright (C) Ralf Hemmecke (ralf-***@public.gmane.org)
---- http://www.hemmecke.de/aldor

#include "combinat"
#include "aldorio"


-- The call to the commands below.

macro {
CS == CombinatorialSpecies;
E == SetSpecies;
E2 == RestrictedSpecies(E, 2);
WP == Subset;
P2 == Times(E2, E);

import from Z;

KSubset(L: LabelType, k: Integer): CS L == RestrictedSpecies(Subset,
k)(L) add;
SimpleGraph(L: LabelType): CS L == FunctorialCompose(WP, P2)(L) add;

struc(text: String, S: CS Z, labels: SetSpecies Z): () == {
import from S;
egs: ExponentialGeneratingSeries := generatingSeries$S;
stdout << text << ": " << count(egs, #labels);
stdout << " " << labels << newline;
g: Generator S := structures labels;
for i in 1.. for s in g repeat stdout << i << "s " << s << newline;

types(text: String, S: CS Z, labels: SetSpecies Z): () == {
import from S;
ogs: OrdinaryGeneratingSeries := isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries$S;
stdout << text << ": " << count(ogs, #labels);
stdout << " " << labels << newline;
g: Generator S := isomorphismTypes labels;
for i in 1.. for s in g repeat stdout << i << "i " << s << newline;

out(text: String, S: CS Z, labels: SetSpecies Z): () == {
struc(text, S, labels);
types(text, S, labels);

xseries(text: String, S: with {count: (%, I) -> Z}, s: S, n: I == 10):
() == {
import from I, List Z;
stdout << "n = " << n << newline;
stdout << [count(s, i) for i: I in 0..n] << newline;

macro {
EGS == ExponentialGeneratingSeries;
OGS == OrdinaryGeneratingSeries;

eseries(text: String, F: CS Z, n: I == 10): () == {
stdout << "generating series:" << text << newline;
xseries(text, EGS, generatingSeries$F, n);
oseries(text: String, F: CS Z, n: I == 10): () == {
stdout << "isomorphismtype generating series: " << text << newline;
xseries(text, OGS, isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries$F, n);

series(text: String, F: CS Z, ne: I == 10, no: I == 10): () == {
eseries(text, F, ne);
oseries(text, F, no);

combinat(args: Array String): () == {
import from List Z;
stdout << "I am here" << newline;
labels: SetSpecies Z := set [i for i in 1..5];
out("2-set", E2 Z, labels);
out("2-set", E2 Z, set [1, 2]);
out("2-subsets", KSubset(Z, 2), set [1, 2]);
out("2-subsets", KSubset(Z, 2), labels);
out("5-subsets", KSubset(Z, 5), labels);
-- trunc cannot yet compute isotypes
struc("Graphs", SimpleGraph Z, set [1, 2]);
struc("Graphs", SimpleGraph Z, set [1, 2, 3]);
struc("Graphs", SimpleGraph Z, labels);

series("Permutation", Permutation Z);
series("2-Subset", KSubset(Z, 2));
series("4-Subset", KSubset(Z, 4));
series("Graph", SimpleGraph Z, no==machine(9));


---END cs.as.nw

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