Hi Thomas,
what about just using Aldor?
Put the following file into the combinat directory, just where you
called "make". I assume that you use trunk and not iso-experiments.
However, of course, you can do similar things with Martin's branch, too.
and execute with
As for interpretation of the output of graphs...
Graphs: 8 [1,2,3]
1s Subset([], [([1,2], [3]),([1,3], [2]),([2,3], [1])])
2s Subset([([1,2], [3])], [([1,3], [2]),([2,3], [1])])
3s Subset([([1,3], [2])], [([1,2], [3]),([2,3], [1])])
4s Subset([([1,2], [3]),([1,3], [2])], [([2,3], [1])])
5s Subset([([2,3], [1])], [([1,2], [3]),([1,3], [2])])
6s Subset([([1,2], [3]),([2,3], [1])], [([1,3], [2])])
7s Subset([([1,3], [2]),([2,3], [1])], [([1,2], [3])])
8s Subset([([1,2], [3]),([1,3], [2]),([2,3], [1])], [])
There are 8 graphs with labels 1, 2, 3.
Line 6s corresponds to the (labelled) graph having edges (1,2) and (2,3).
The output needs improvement, I know.
Hopefully, this helps you to go on.
---BEGIN cs.as.nw
%--- Combinat
%--- Copyright (C) Ralf Hemmecke (ralf-***@public.gmane.org)
%--- http://www.hemmecke.de/aldor
\section{The Main Executable}
This is the executable file that lives outside the library
---- Combinat
---- Copyright (C) Ralf Hemmecke (ralf-***@public.gmane.org)
---- http://www.hemmecke.de/aldor
#include "combinat"
#include "aldorio"
-- The call to the commands below.
macro {
CS == CombinatorialSpecies;
E == SetSpecies;
E2 == RestrictedSpecies(E, 2);
WP == Subset;
P2 == Times(E2, E);
import from Z;
KSubset(L: LabelType, k: Integer): CS L == RestrictedSpecies(Subset,
k)(L) add;
SimpleGraph(L: LabelType): CS L == FunctorialCompose(WP, P2)(L) add;
struc(text: String, S: CS Z, labels: SetSpecies Z): () == {
import from S;
egs: ExponentialGeneratingSeries := generatingSeries$S;
stdout << text << ": " << count(egs, #labels);
stdout << " " << labels << newline;
g: Generator S := structures labels;
for i in 1.. for s in g repeat stdout << i << "s " << s << newline;
types(text: String, S: CS Z, labels: SetSpecies Z): () == {
import from S;
ogs: OrdinaryGeneratingSeries := isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries$S;
stdout << text << ": " << count(ogs, #labels);
stdout << " " << labels << newline;
g: Generator S := isomorphismTypes labels;
for i in 1.. for s in g repeat stdout << i << "i " << s << newline;
out(text: String, S: CS Z, labels: SetSpecies Z): () == {
struc(text, S, labels);
types(text, S, labels);
xseries(text: String, S: with {count: (%, I) -> Z}, s: S, n: I == 10):
() == {
import from I, List Z;
stdout << "n = " << n << newline;
stdout << [count(s, i) for i: I in 0..n] << newline;
macro {
EGS == ExponentialGeneratingSeries;
OGS == OrdinaryGeneratingSeries;
eseries(text: String, F: CS Z, n: I == 10): () == {
stdout << "generating series:" << text << newline;
xseries(text, EGS, generatingSeries$F, n);
oseries(text: String, F: CS Z, n: I == 10): () == {
stdout << "isomorphismtype generating series: " << text << newline;
xseries(text, OGS, isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries$F, n);
series(text: String, F: CS Z, ne: I == 10, no: I == 10): () == {
eseries(text, F, ne);
oseries(text, F, no);
combinat(args: Array String): () == {
import from List Z;
stdout << "I am here" << newline;
labels: SetSpecies Z := set [i for i in 1..5];
out("2-set", E2 Z, labels);
out("2-set", E2 Z, set [1, 2]);
out("2-subsets", KSubset(Z, 2), set [1, 2]);
out("2-subsets", KSubset(Z, 2), labels);
out("5-subsets", KSubset(Z, 5), labels);
-- trunc cannot yet compute isotypes
struc("Graphs", SimpleGraph Z, set [1, 2]);
struc("Graphs", SimpleGraph Z, set [1, 2, 3]);
struc("Graphs", SimpleGraph Z, labels);
series("Permutation", Permutation Z);
series("2-Subset", KSubset(Z, 2));
series("4-Subset", KSubset(Z, 4));
series("Graph", SimpleGraph Z, no==machine(9));
---END cs.as.nw
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